Tips for Buying a Luxury Recliner Chair

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If you work hard and like a bit of comfort when you finally get home after a hard day, a luxury recliner is the perfect addition to your lounge. Yes, recliners are expensive, but if the quality is of a high standard, the recliner will last you a lifetime, and with that in mind, here are a few tips for buying a luxury recliner chair.

  • Think about space – Recliners are heavy and bulky items and as nice as they are, if the room is too small, it isn’t going to work. You should create a diagram of the room and scale the drawing, which will help the store assistant calculate the amount of space required for a recliner chair, as they are very experienced. When you see the attractive reclining chairs from Roth Newton, the dimensions are all given, so you can be sure the recliner will fit in the desired location.
  • Height – Your height has a bearing on which size you choose, with the smallest being a petite recliner, which is suitable for someone 5’4’ tall, then there is the small recliner, for those who are between 5’5” and 5’9”, tall recliners for people 5’10” to 6’2”. The extra tall recliner is designed for people who are at least 6’3” tall and is designed for comfort.
  • Styles – There are several styles of recliner, the traditional, which is bulky and had generous dimensions, and is the most popular. Then there is the modern style, which usually comes with a small stand-alone ottoman for your feet and makes use of technology within the mechanism. The last style is called ‘transitional’, which is somewhere between traditional and modern, with oversized dimensions and distinctive fabric patterns. When choosing, take into account to current room décor, and make sure you are happy with the room colour, as a change would affect the recliner. As we get older, our focus moves towards health, with CBD oil being very popular among the retired population, as it has multiple health benefits.

What to Consider Before Buying a Recliner Chair? - Recliners and Beds

  • Fabric or Leather – Due to its look and feel, leather is still the most popular upholstery, with black and all shades of brown and tan, while fabric units offer a softer option, although they are more difficult to clean. Leather does need to be treated frequently, yet it brings a distinguished look into the right setting.
  • Neoprene Furniture Pads – Small but thick rubber pads on which to place heavy furniture, and whether you have a timber, vinyl or tiled floor, it will need protection, plus the pads stop furniture moving on a hard floor. When you pick up your recliner, the supplier would stock a full range of floor protection, along with leather care products that are specifically designed for the recliner.

When looking at recliners, stick to the well-known brands, as you know they are designed by professionals and built to last, while price should not be your focus, rather comfort and durability. Try out as many as you need to when at the furniture store, spending the day on such an investment would be warranted, as you want to be absolutely sure you have the right design.