Hair Transplant Before and After

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Hair Transplant Before and After

The first step in a hair transplant procedure is preparing the grafts for transplant. The surgeon will clean the area where the hair will go and then create small slits or holes using a scalpel. The grafts will then be placed into these holes. The procedure can take between four and eight hours, depending on the size of the hair transplant. The surgery can be repeated if more hair is needed.

Results of a Hair Transplant

Before and after photos of hair transplants can help you see the results of your procedure. Some patients see immediate results, while others may take up to 12 months. While the process is generally very quick, you must be patient while the grafts recover. You may see some thinning hair in the first few months, but this is to be expected.

Scratching can occur around the newly implanted hair follicles, so it is important to apply a saline spray to the transplanted area. The scabs will be small and will fall off after a few days. You may also experience temporary swelling around the donor area. This swelling is normal and will subside after several days. You may also experience redness or soreness at the transplant site. This is normal and can be easily controlled with medication.

Once the transplanted hair has healed, it will begin to grow. The new hair will look like baby hair at first, but it will gradually grow into a thicker and fuller head of hair. Eventually, this hair will start to grow in full length, so this can be a very significant step for patients.

Another common question patients have about the procedure is what kind of results to expect. The results will vary between patients and their surgeons. For example, some people want a low-profile, while others prefer a dense and thick hairline.

Choosing a Hair Transplant Surgeon

Hair Transplanting

Choosing a hair transplant surgeon is an important decision that can impact the success of your surgery. The physician you choose will have a direct impact on the donor graft survival rate, the appearance of the transplanted hair, and your preoperative experience. You should thoroughly research a provider before making an appointment. You should also review a surgeon’s reputation and credentials, as well as the costs of the procedure. Choosing a physician with good reviews from his or her patients is an excellent way to ensure a positive surgical experience.

After choosing a hair transplant surgeon, make sure you ask for before and after photos. The pictures should show the hairline, mid-anterior scalp, and the donor scars. They should also show the hair-bearing tissue that was removed during the procedure. Obviously, these are not of the actual patient, but they should be representative of the result the surgeon can expect.

In addition to reviewing before and after photographs, you should also view testimonials and before and after photos posted on the surgeon’s website. A reputable clinic will post a portfolio of images, as well as digital collections of the results of their previous procedures. Compare the before and after photos of patients with similar hairlines to see if you can see the results you desire.

When selecting a hair transplant surgeon, you should also find out how long he has been practicing. The more years a physician has been in the field, the better. However, there are younger surgeons who are not as experienced. Asking about the number of hair transplants a doctor has performed will give you confidence in the doctor’s skills.