Benefits of Detoxification through Detox Foot Patches

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The human body detoxifies naturally. Our lifestyles have exposed us to more toxic matter due to the increased levels of toxicity in the foods we eat, the water we drink, and the air we breathe. With increased toxic material in the body, the ability to naturally eliminate toxins is derailed substantially. In order to avoid increased toxicity, it is advisable to consume organic foods and drink mineral water. Leaving in a neighbourhood with lower levels of air pollution is also advisable. With the growth of industrialization, there is an increased use of chemicals in farming and household appliances. The increased release of greenhouse gases has also made it impossible to avoid toxicity. Accumulation of body toxins can cause incapacitation and terminal illnesses. The lymphatic system is responsible for body immunity. When the body has higher levels of toxins, lymph also suffers increased toxicity hence derailing the body defences against diseases and infections.

When should you detoxify?

Detoxification should be an occasional lifestyle activity. When you notice that you are becoming sluggish, tired, cold, and incurring occasional headaches you should consider detoxification. Bad breath, poor skin texture, and a coating on the tongue are some indication of increased toxicity in the body. With increased levels of toxins, the functioning of body organs gets derailed and it becomes possible to suffer organ damage.

Detoxification foot patches are manufactured from natural ingredients like tourmaline, bamboo vinegar, methanol, dextrin, eucalyptus, gemstones, sea salt, and other mineral elements. These ingredients will suction toxins from your lymphatic and blood circulation systems.

Detox foot patches are worn underneath the feet because the human feet have a high number of acupuncture and reflexology points. The lower limbs help in the pumping of lymph and blood back into the torso. When the body is sedentary, the inactivity allows the circulation system to slow down. For this reason, lymph and blood become concentrated in the feet, ankles, and legs. Naturally, the body will push toxins from the region close to the heart. Toxins will, therefore, become more concentrated in the extremities. The large quantities of toxins and rich blood and lymph supply make the feet appropriate for attaching of the detox foot patches. This is not to say that the foot patches cannot be attached elsewhere. The feet are, however, perfect in these circumstances.

How the foot patches work

Foot patches will suction toxins from the feet naturally. This helps to enhance the health of your body. Detox foot patches enhance the immune system and induce body vitality. With detoxification, our mental abilities, memory, concentration, and lymphatic health is enhanced. The feet contain more than sixty acupuncture and reflexology points. Due to gravity, toxins are concentrated in the lower extremities. The natural reflexes of the body also push toxins from anywhere close to the heart. The anions produced by tourmaline adhere to metals, therefore, pushing them through the pores. With the elimination of toxins, the body benefits from enhanced circulation, body revitalization, and improved functionality.

Detox foot patches are known for enhancing sleep, stimulating blood cells, enhancing homeostasis, improving body metabolism, enhancing immunity, and improving oxygen circulation hence optimal organ functionality.
