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Acing Telephone Interviews

While telephone interviews may not be as nerve racking as face-to-face interviews, good manners are still a must for good first impressions. Think of it as your practice run for the succeeding face-to-face interviews that reputable recruiters, such as Mackenzie Jones, will conduct for short-listed applicants to positions across a wide range of disciplines and industries. Ace the telephone interview and wait for the next call with the invitation for a face-to-face interview with the hiring manager.

Be of the Right Mindset

Good manners are based on the right mindset particularly in understanding the importance of telephone interviews in the overall hiring process. Hiring managers use telephone interviews for many reasons, such as screening potential candidates to a short-list before the face-to-face interviews. Indeed, telephone interviews are considered crucial parts of the screening process for employers.

When you fail to impress the interviewer despite your apparent fit for the job, you can easily slip down the rankings in relation to the other applicants.

Be Prepared for the Interview

Hiring managers can set random times for calling job applicants for screening purposes. You must then be as prepared as possible for taking in the call, answering the questions, and impressing the interviewer, among other goals.

These tips are also important preparations for your face-to-face interview. Think of it as killing two birds with one stone.

If possible, ask your interviewer for 30-60 seconds to prepare for the interview. Do these things quickly:

Thank the interviewer for his generosity in giving you the necessary preparation time and then say that you are ready to begin.

Be Present in the Interview

Again, keep in mind that a telephone interview is an interview so you must be present in mind and body for it – focus and focus well because it can mean the difference between being hired and dismissed.

Also, be sure to ask the interviewer’s full name and contact number, if possible, so that you can follow up the results.

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