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5 Common Misconceptions About Solicitors

5 Common Misconceptions About Solicitors

For many, reaching out to a solicitor represents an unusual occurrence. Unfortunately, what this means is that, in circumstances where expert legal advice would prove invaluable, many overlook the fact that they could benefit from it.

Here are just five examples of the mistaken beliefs we hold about solicitors, and how they can help us.

You Only Need to Use a Solicitor if Something Goes Wrong

While it is true that solicitors prove invaluable when the time comes to mitigate the impact of something going wrong, there exists a long list of reasons why you might benefit from the help of a solicitor before – or, in some cases, instead of – adversity.

Pre-emptive actions that require the help of a solicitor can include commercial contracts that can be put to use simply to help with the smooth running of a business or, in the case of personal matters, property conveyancing, cohabitation agreements between non-married partners, creating a will, and so forth.

They Only do Work in One Area

The two worlds of commercial and personal law are incredibly diverse and far-reaching, and many firms are specialists in one particular area, such as wills & probate.

This certainly has its advantages, but many are also ‘full-service’ law firms which offer a wide range of commercial and private work, meaning that their solicitors hold an extensive understanding of law which proves invaluable during complex cases, which may demand knowledge on multiple, seemingly separate disciplines.

They Are Expensive

Whether they are pursuing a divorce or attempting to create a will, many people will unfortunately forgo legal advice on the assumption that they cannot afford it. This is not always the case, however, as there exists a wide variation in cost which is dependent on many things, such as the size of the firm, the experience level of the solicitor, etc.

Of course, this isn’t to say that those seeking legal advice should simply opt for the cheapest firm they can find. Quality legal advice is worth every penny, and choosing to approach an issue without professional legal help can cost significantly more in the long term.

You Have to Use a City Solicitor for Good Quality Business Advice

Many people will automatically base their search for a solicitor around a major city, such as London. This is unfortunate, as many mid-sized local firms can pack a punch in terms of the quality of legal service they provide and their lawyers’ expertise.

What’s more, they often prove to be more cost-effective than city-firms, and may be led by ex-city lawyers anyway.

Finally, working with local firm holds many benefits, from cutting back on travel time to ensuring that you are never lost in a long list of current clients. If you are living in Gloucestershire, for example, then seeking solicitors in Cheltenham will mean that legal help is always close to hand, and that you don’t need to sacrifice an entire day’s worth of travel for a ten minute meeting.

They Use Lots of Complicated Legal Jargon

While it is true that the law is full of complex words – and that, as a result, lawyers have a reputation for being difficult to understand – it is becoming increasingly common for firms to focus on offering their advice in a way that proves explicable to non-experts.

Plenty of firms realise that clients appreciate a much more straightforward approach to make them more accessible. And, since many areas of law represent sources of emotional upheaval and anxiety for clients, and the best firms recognise this and ensure that they are able to offer clients the help they need.

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